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Saturday, March 21, 2015

TPT Quote Banner!!

Teachers Pay Teachers Quote Banner Change:
So, I discovered how to change my quote banner to a picture and a link at my TPT store. I will be adding a video of how to do that this week. Putting some effort in the design of my store and site!!! I made two images and decided to go with the second one to promote my new product.


HTML code to paste  into quote section of your TPT account.

<a href="PRODUCT URL"><img src="PHOTO URL" /></a>


  1. Thank you! Tried it once and it worked!:)

  2. Great!! Happy to help support fellow teachers.

  3. Thank you so much for making this so clear! I tried unsuccessfully for over 2 hours using another blog post.... With yours, it worked immediately. I love the YouTube visual that you provided! THANK YOU!!!
